Ahead of the South Australian Climate Tech Showcase, we caught up with Innovations Manager, Megan Short from SA Water on the importance of supporting climate tech innovation in the region.

Why is it important for SA Water to have a focus on low carbon and circular economy initiatives?

As a critical services provider for more than 1.7 million South Australians, we are committed to adopting universal sustainability principles and advancing towards a more sustainable future.
South Australia has set firm targets towards net zero emissions and at SA Water, our emphasis on low carbon and circular economy initiatives not only aligns with the global objective of decreasing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating the impacts of climate change - it makes good business sense. 

Our innovative approach with a low carbon and circular economy focus enables us to be responsive and effective and is essential in helping us to meet the evolving needs of our customers and communities. 

What are you hoping to achieve with these key focus areas?

Our customers expect us to make decisions to meet the needs of the present without compromising generations to come and we are always looking at better ways to deliver quality services. 

The climate tech sector represents a significant opportunity to help us to explore new and different approaches to achieve our sustainability goals. 

An example of this is our award-winning Zero Cost Energy Future (ZCEF) program which was conceived by our people, to reduce our reliance on grid electricity and sustainably lower our operational energy expenses. By doing so, we can keep water and sewerage charges as low and stable as possible. 

Megan Short, Innovation Manager, SA Water

Climate Tech not only helps us solve the biggest challenge of our time, the climate crisis, but also represents a huge economic opportunity (1 climate tech unicorn was created every 2 weeks last year globally) - what are the opportunities that you see for this sector in Adelaide?

South Australian climate tech companies have the potential to support the sector’s transition to net zero whilst creating next generation products and services that can be exported to the world. 

As a business servicing all South Australians, we understand the importance of working with companies of all shapes and sizes, including early stage start-ups. SA Water Manager Innovation Megan Short shares the significance of taking a collaborative approach to climate tech. 

“It’s not always easy for a large organisation to work with start-ups, but by leaning in, we get to learn about the latest innovations and also help start-up businesses become more corporate-ready”. Megan said. 
“Our partnership with start-up hub Stone & Chalk is an example of how we are successfully doing this.”

What are you looking forward to about the SA Showcase on Feb 8?

Our organisation is committed to collaborating with the South Australian climate tech ecosystem, sharing ideas, best practices, and exploring potential partnerships. 

The upcoming Climate Tech Showcase will provide us with knowledge about the broader climate tech ecosystem and help us better understand the new capabilities and innovations that companies are developing in South Australia. We are already working with several early-stage climate tech businesses to explore how their innovations might deliver value to our business, and ultimately our customers. The showcase is an opportunity to strengthen the awareness and connections of our people with the emerging climate tech sector.

Our involvement with this event is a step towards raising awareness about the importance of addressing the climate crisis and supporting the growth of a thriving climate tech ecosystem in Adelaide.

Feb 7, 2023

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