NEW: Australian Climate Tech Insights

Insights is Climate Salad's new data platform with live data on the state and growth of the Australian Climate Tech Industry.

Our Climate Tech Industry Report collates the most complete data on capital raising, climate impact, diversity, jobs, growth, technology and innovation in Australian climate tech startups

2024 Industry Report

The 2024 Report is Currently Being Produced

Founders - please add your data in to the platform. We have made it much much easier to update this year. Just login, update what's new and hit submit.


2023 Industry Report

The 2023 Report is Now Available

Thank you to the incredible 228 founders who completed this year's Census.

To view and download the report, please click the below link, add in your email address and you will get access.

Please share this report and give us feedback on how you've used it and how we can improve it.

If you'd like to partner with us for the Report please contact us:

Read the 2023 report
What is the Industry Report?

A flagship release of unique data on the Aussie climate tech ecosystem, which is free to access. We collect this data to support founders, investors, ecosystem supporters and mentors and to help benchmark and grow the industry.

Innovating to solve global climate challenges

This years report shows the strength and momentum of this fast scaling industry.

2023 Report Key takeaways:
1: Founders intend to raise $1.5 billion in the next 12 months
2: 3,000+ new jobs have been created in Australia, with 2,400 coming soon
3: Climate tech is diverse, but more support is needed
4: 47% of Australian climate tech companies are already global
5: Impact measurement is complex and remains a challenge

2023 Report Stats
  • 228 climate tech companies surveyed
  • 39 partner companies including QANTAS, W23, AWS, KPMG
  • 90+ questions
Learn More

2022 Industry Report

2022 Industry Report

In 2022, we asked 101 questions in our Founders Survey, and 171 companies across Australia and New Zealand participated.

In 2023 we hope to build on this foundational data and bring you the most comprehensive insights into Australian climate tech ever collected.

The Triple Win Opportunity

Our 2022 report has found a strong, growing and thriving climate tech industry in ANZ. Over $1.4 billion in capital has been raised to date and over 4000 jobs have been created.

There are three big wins for climate tech:
Win 1: We will contribute to getting the planet back to sustainability
Win 2: We will elevate our research and innovation sectors
Win 3: We will create a strong economy and potentially a million new jobs for the future

2022 Report Stats
Learn More
View the 2022 report

Founder Perks

If you are an Australian founder, please take a few minutes to complete the 2023 Founders Census. You'll be providing data to help grow and support the climate tech ecosystem, along these perks.

Once you complete the survey you'll have the chance to upload your company logo to be showcased within the 2023 Report

Logo inclusion in the Report

Your company name, logo, sector, URL and elevator pitch will be included in a new Industry Report company directory

Industry Report Directory

Use the data from the report to help you raise capital, secure customers and find talent

Utilise data for your company

Why does Climate Salad run an annual Industry Report?

The Founders Survey provides previously unknown data to government and corporates to help allocate funding and support the growth of the ecosystem

Collect unique data

This data legitimises and maps the new and growing industry in Australia. It also highlights opportunity gaps, areas of strength and tracks growth.

Map Aussie climate tech

The Industry Report helps investors, customers, ecosystem supporters and talent to discover the depth and breath of Australian climate solutions

Aussie founders

How to get involved
For Founders

You can read the 2022 Industry Report to understand where your company fits into the wider ecosystem, what are the opportunity gaps of the sector and how you can best create climate impact. You can also use the data in the report for your pitch decks and company strategy.

For Partners and Supporters

If you are interested in accessing the full data of the Industry Report, or if you'd like to support the 2023 Report, or partner with us in another capacity please contact us or email Olivia Utharntharm (Program Manager) at

Do you have a general or media enquiry? Contact us here

Climate Salad Vision and Mission

Climate Salad massively contributes to climate action by helping companies building products to solve climate challenges to get connected to customers, talent, and investors.
By 2030, Climate Salad will have significantly impacted 1,000 climate tech companies by getting them a customer, a team member or an investor