At Climate Salad, we are proud to champion the female founders in our community and showcase their accomplishments. We value the important role women and girls have to play in building this sustainable, climate positive future.

Today, we hear from Roxane Bandini-Maeder, co-founder of Geoneon.

Geoneon is a climate tech company which leverages AI and satellite imagery to transform complex geospatial data into actionable climate risk insights for asset managers across private, public sectors, and communities. We bridge the gap between environmental data and reporting, aiding in comprehensive and accurate climate risk disclosure.

1. Tell us a bit about yourself and your journey into climate tech

I'm a geographer specialised in disaster risk reduction and spatial sciences. My path has been shaped by leveraging geodata to assist governments and international organisations to outline water exploration, bushfire management, and disaster risk reduction strategies. It is the multidisciplinary nature of being a geographer that has driven my work, making the planet a bit easier to understand and protect.

My enthusiasm with using geospatial technologies to increase climate resilience inspired me to co-found Geoneon. At Geoneon, we develop unique solutions that use EarthObservation and Artificial Intelligence. Our goal is to provide precise mapping at scale and actionable insight on climate-related risks and improve vegetation mapping.

2. What excites you most about Climate Tech?

What excites me about climate tech is its incredible potential and efficiency in providing critical insights for informed decision-making, enhancing our resilience to climate change. The ability to translate complex environmental data into actionable insights is a game-changer. It democratises knowledge, making it accessible not just to experts but to everyone, from individuals to governments and corporations. This widespread empowerment is crucial for fostering collective action towards a more resilient future.

Moreover, the dynamic landscape of climate tech is thrilling. With new treaties, regulations, and international collaborations, it is inspiring to see how climate tech can play a pivotal role in supporting these efforts towards a sustainable future. The sector's rapid evolution underscores its importance in our global strategy against climate change.

But perhaps what excites me most is the spirit of collaboration climate tech ignites. Implementing our solutions across Australia and Asia, I have witnessed first hand the enthusiasm and shared commitment to our common goal: building a more resilient world. This collective energy and determination make me hopeful for what we can achieve together in the fight against climate change.

3. How can we better support women in climate tech? If you could change one thing, what would it be?

I am a strong believer that the most impactful change would be to increase visibility and representation of female role models across the field. By showcasing the achievements and pathways of women who are leading the way, we can inspire not just the current generation but also future ones to explore careers in climate tech. This visibility is especially crucial in a field as diverse and multidisciplinary as climate tech, where there is immense potential to attract women from both STEM and non-STEM backgrounds.

There are always room to create a supportive network that champions collaboration and support among women in climate tech. This network would not only encourage more women to enter the field but also help them thrive and advance in their careers. Through a network, we can offer guidance, share knowledge, and provide the encouragement needed to navigate the challenges of this rapidly evolving sector.

Ultimately, fostering a community where women support each other, advocate for their representation, and actively work to inspire the next generation can lead to a significant shift towards gender balance in climate tech. By showcasing successful role models, we can create a more inclusive and diverse environment that enriches the field and accelerates our progress towards a more sustainable future.

4. Any advice you would give to other women interested in jumping into climate change solutions?

If you are venturing in an entrepreneurial journey in the realm of climate tech, here what I have learned along the way:

Set your direction: Start with clarity about the change you want to make. Understand why this change is important and identify what and how you will develop your solutions. Changing the world is great but business is business, so the practicalities of business—like knowing your customers and how they will interact with your solutions—cannot be ignored.

Embrace Hard Work and Positivity: The journey of developing your solutions will demand hard work and resilience. Embrace the challenges, stay optimistic, and remember that set backs are part of the process.

Patience Pays Off: The impact of your efforts might not be immediate. Like planting seeds, it takes time to see the fruits of your labor. Persist in cultivating your projects and relationships; your efforts will bear fruit in due time.

Trust in Yourself: Self-doubt may frequently arise, but it's important to have faith in your abilities. It's normal to question yourself, yet having confidence in your vision is fundamental. Remember, you are the expert in your field!

Network Network Network! The power of networking cannot be overstated. It opens doors to business opportunities, like-minded individuals, fresh ideas, collaborations, mentorship, and much more. Being active in your network can dramatically accelerate your progress.

Collaborate: Actively seek collaborations and strategic partnerships. Joining forces with others can enhance your impact and lead to the development of innovative solutions.

Build your village: For those balancing family and entrepreneurial endeavours, having your supporting community is crucial. Surround yourself with people who uplift and support you. And when doubts creep in, remember you are not just building a business; you are setting a powerful example for future generations.

5. Is there a statistic about climate change you would like to share?

According to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR), between 2000 and 2019, we saw a near 35% increase in climate-related disasters compared to the two decades prior. These disasters have claimed 1.23 million lives and impacted over 4 billion people globally. Facing such daunting numbers can feel overwhelming, but they also underscore the profound impact we can have in building a more resilient world. It is a stark reminder of the importance of our contributions to climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction efforts.

6. Is there a quote you would like to share?

One quote that resonates with me comes from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Disaster Risk Reduction, Mami Mizutori:

“We know that 90% of major disasters in the past 20 years are related somehow to climate change. If we cannot mitigate, if we cannot adapt to climate change, then we cannot stop the flow of disasters.” This statement underscores the vital importance of mitigation and highlights the need for preparedness and adaptation. It serves as a compelling reminder that our actions today are crucial for shaping a resilient future."


Roxane Bandini-Maeder, co-founder of Geoneon

Cover Photo by bayley clark on Unsplash

Apr 11, 2024

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