The Inventors: The Climate Connection - Lightning talks from founders, researchers and investors. Your chance to tell your tribe about your climate project -

A unique event bringing together the broader climate community – researchers, entrepreneurs and investors – to hear and tell each other about the Climate Tech they are working on.  

Hosted by Uniseed, Sydney University Knowledge Hub and Climate Salad, in partnership with AWS, this FREE evening is an opportunity for Climate Tech founders, researchers and supporters to connect and learn more about the intersection between research, innovation, commercialisation, and scaling solutions for climate change.

When: June 9 - register here

Where: Sydney Knowledge Hub, Level 2, Merewether Building H04, The University of Sydney, Darlington NSW 2006, Australia

What to expect:

  • Grab a drink and a bite to eat while you network
  • Lightning talks from climate tech founders, researchers and investors (prepare your one minute pitch so people can find out who you are, your organisation and what you are working on)
  • Discover more about segments that make up the Climate Tech industry - Energy, Food & Agtech, Circular Economy and Built Environment

Connect and discover more about the solutions and the enormous economic opportunity of Climate Tech.

Climate Salad is a network that boosts climate tech companies, in Australia and New Zealand, with tools, programs, and community support.

Uniseed is a unique commercialisation fund helping researchers from our partner research organisations turn their ideas into products and services. We support innovations that solve market problems and create a positive impact for our community. Uniseed invests over a broad range of technology sectors and has exited ten investments, to date.

Sydney Knowledge Hub is a coworking space for research-based organisations that collaborate with the University of Sydney.


May 19, 2022

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