The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) have held a webinar to outline their focus areas for the next year. Media release.

The full video will be available on their site soon.

Darren Miller, the CEO, outlined a clear and optimistic plan to lead the world in key areas of energy, electrification, decarbonising and sustainability.

Read their Investment Plan and Corporate Plan

Here are some key slides and notes .

Mission and Priorities

The 30 30 30 Energy Plan

Key Programs


3 missions

   1. Support global transition
   2. Accelerating the pace of pre-commercial innovation
   3. Benefit of Australia


   1. Carbon capture and storage
   2. Optimise transition to renewable electricity
       1. Natural gas, diesel and petrol can be replaced
       2. Renewable energy makes up 25% of supply
       3. Solar and wind are low cost and mature
       4. Themes
           1. Integrate large scale renewalbe energy
               1. Different from coal, gas and hydro
               2. New skills - new jobs
               3. Working with AEMO and project developers
           2. Cost effective energy storage
               1. Future system needs to capture low cost energy and dispatch when needed
               2. Flow batteries, pumped hydro, new battery tech
               3. ARENA to create options for the future
           3. Demand Flexibility
               1. Demand needs to adapt
               2. Supply needs to be flexible
               3. Distributed energy resources
               4. Load shifting technologies
           4. Ultra low cost generation
               1. Some hard to abate areas have need for lower cost
               2. Solar 30 30 30
                   1. Increase module efficiency to 30%
                   2. $30c per w
                   3. By 2030
           5. Commercialise Clean Hydrogen
               1. Key enabler of industrial decarbonisation
               2. Export opportunity
           6. Support the transition to low emissions metals

The Future

   1. To succeed we need:
       1. Accelerate deployment of current tech
           1. Costs will come down
           2. There are integration challenges but they can be overcome


   1. Can we get there
       1. Yes
        2. Solar module costs have come down 89%
   2. Technologies
       1. We don't pick technologies, we support whole categories
   3. Storage
       1. Nuanced
           1. Millisecond - balancing
           2. Daily peak bridge - 6pm to 8pm
           3. Major dips of solar and wind
   4. Efficiency is key
       1. Lets you amortise your costs
       2. More output for the same amount of land
   5. Innovation in the field
       1. Engineering solar farms to be bigger, faster deployed
       2. 5B Solar is an example of a good company

Green hydrogen

   1. Invest in supply side
       1. Get costs down
   2. Demand side
       1. End uses will be determined by the market
   3. Timeframe
       1. 5 years before we have hydrogen is ready
       2. 10 years before it's ready to deploy at scale
       3. We get it wrong all the time
           1. We under estimate the ability of technology to innovate and improve


   1. Low emissions aluminium and steel
   2. Iron Ore
       1. Australia produces most of the world iron ore that makes steel
       2. Hydrogen is a key driver to zero carbon steel
       3. We can use renewable energy to lead this globally

Everything is Interrelated

   1. All these areas work together
   2. You can't do one without the other
   3. Sustainability needs zero carbon needs green steel needs green hydrogen needs low cost renewable energy


What can we do to support climate tech startups? (that was my question)

   1. Sundrive from UNSW is a great example of success
   2. Startups are crucial and we need more
   3. Invest time, money, mentoring, collaborating,
   4. Everyone get involved - start, invest, help

Read more here

Sep 9, 2021

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